41. Yu.B. Gaididei, L.I. Malysheva, and A.I. Onipko. Electron scattering and bound-state energies in crossed N-chain wires. A comparative study of discrete and continuous models. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4, 7103-7114 (1992).
42. Yu.B. Gaididei, L.I. Malysheva, and A.I. Onipko. Ballistic transport in crossed quantum wires. An analytical approach. Physica status solidi (b) 172, 667-672 (1992).
43. Yu.A. Klimenko, L.I. Malysheva, and A.I. Onipko. A new approach to the scattering problem in 2D square-corner discontinuities with an application to the through right-angle bend transmission. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5, 5215-5224 (1993).
44. Yu.A. Klimenko, L.I. Malysheva, and A.I. Onipko. Quantum electron transport in two-dimensional right-angle bend. Ukrainskyi fizychnyi zhurnal 38, 1358-1368 (1993).
45. A.I. Onipko and I.V. Zozulenko. Quantum interference effects in a P -shaped electron waveguide. Semiconductor Science and Technology 8, 2115-2120 (1993).
46. Yu.A. Klimenko and A.I. Onipko. Theory of electron quantum transport through arbitrary 2D structures connected by a wire. Low Temperature Physics 20, 721-729 (1994).
47. L.I. Malysheva and A.I. Onipko. Transmission of a two-dimensional quantum point contact with the size varied from a single atom to a continuous wire: size effects. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 7, 3597-3613 (1995).
50. A.I. Onipko, L.I. Malysheva, and Yu.A. Klimenko. On additional conductance quantization and related effects of electric field in 2D quantum point contacts. Physica B 225, 125-131 (1996).